Haldimand Family Health Team

Virtual Intro to Solids

Join the HFHT for a free virtual webinar, 'Introduction to Solids,' on June 8, 2025, from 9–10:30 am. Discover when your baby is ready for solids, the best first foods, handling allergens, food safety, and the basics of baby-led weaning. Call to register 365-206-0303.

Seasonal Affective Disorder Presentation

HAC Hagersville 42 Main St. South, Hagersville, Ontario, Canada

Learn how to combat the winter blues! Join us for a Seasonal Affective Disorder Presentation on January 9, 2025, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm at HAC Hagersville. Register today by calling 905-768-4488 ext. 100 or emailing hac@alzda.ca.

Flu/ Covid 19 Vaccine Clinic (Caledonia)

Caledonia Clinic 245 Argyle Street South, Caledonia, Ontario, Canada

Stay protected this season! Join us for a Flu and COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic on January 16, 2025, from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm at the Caledonia Clinic. Call to register 365-206-0303.