Haldimand Family Health Team

Haldimand FHT Resources

Explore trusted resources and organizations for managing chronic diseases, mental health, and overall wellness, designed to support and guide you in living a healthier life.

Chronic Disease

Chronic disease is a long-lasting health problem that doesn’t go away, like diabetes or heart disease. People with chronic diseases need to manage their condition with ongoing treatment and lifestyle changes.

Includes the chronic and progressive breathing diseases of chronic bronchitis and emphysema, often caused by smoking, where people experience difficulty breathing, coughs, and become tired and weak.

A chronic condition when the body either can’t make enough insulin or can’t use it properly, leading to high sugar levels in the blood.

  • Diabetes Canada: General information on diabetes, diabetes programming, as well as education for prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Cardiovascular disease is a condition where the heart and blood vessels don’t work properly, often because of things like clogged arteries or high blood pressure. This can lead to serious problems like heart attacks or strokes.

Includes Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis which cause chronic inflammation of different parts of the digestive tract making it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients.

  • Crohn’s and Colitis Canada: Information on living well with Crohn’s and colitis, including treatment options, managing complications, and support groups.

Any chronic condition affecting a part of the digestive tract including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

An uncomfortable experience that can range from sharp to dull. It may be brief or long-lasting, and it can make it difficult to move or focus. Understanding and managing pain is important for improving quality of life.

Arthritis Society Canada: Resources to enhance quality of life for those affected by arthritis.

Pain Canada: Resources and support for people living with pain.

Power over pain portal: Resources, courses, peer support, and more to help you manage and overcome pain effectively.

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A solid reddish-brown square with no distinct features or patterns.
Different people putting hands in stack

Mental Health

Mental health impacts how we think, feel, and cope with challenges. It’s vital for overall well-being and involves managing emotions, stress, and relationships. Prioritizing mental health helps improve quality of life and build resilience.

  • Crisis Assessment and Support Team (CAST): A 24 hour mental health crisis service for people age 16 years and older. The team is made up of clinicians specializing in mental health/addiction service.
  • Canadian Association for Mental Health: If you are in an emergency, in crisis or need someone to talk to, there is a list of resources available for areas in and around Toronto.
  • West Haldimand General Hospital: If you or someone you love is feeling anxious, depressed, stressed, or is in a crisis, please reach out for help. No one has to go through this alone. List of local resources available.
  • Canadian Mental Health Association: A non-profit community mental health agency which provides services to adults with serious mental illness.

Healthy Living

Discover resources to support a balanced and healthy lifestyle, from pregnancy to aging, mental health, and beyond, helping you and your loved ones thrive at every stage of life.

Pregnancy involves significant physical and hormonal changes to support a developing fetus, typically lasting about 40 weeks (about 9 months). The postpartum period follows childbirth, focusing on recovery, adjustment to new routines, and emotional well-being, often with support needed for managing physical and emotional shifts.

O Mama: Evidence-informed pregnancy, birth, and early parenting information (focusing on resources in Ontario, Canada).

Pregnancy Info: Evidence based website discussing preparing for pregnancy through postpartum.

Encompasses diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, including Two-Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and others. It reflects a broad spectrum of experiences and identities within the community.

  • Government of Canada: Supports for 2SLGBTQI+ individuals, communities, and organizations to help build a safer, more equitable and inclusive Canada.
  • PFLAG Canada: Provides peer support, education and advocacy for a Canada that affirms respects and values all sexualities, genders and gender expressions.
  • LGBT Youthline: Confidential, non-judgmental and informed 2SLGBTQ+ peer support

The health and development of children from birth through adolescence. It encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of physical, emotional, and behavioral issues, aiming to ensure the overall well-being and healthy growth of young patients.

The natural process of growing older, marked by gradual physiological and functional changes over time. It involves adaptations in physical health, cognitive function, and emotional well-being. Behaviours are a response to an unmet need that changes with aging.

  • Osteoporosis Canada: Educate, empower and support individuals and communities on bone health and in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Alzheimer Society of Ontario: Offers programs and services to help people living with dementia, care partners, and healthcare professionals get the support they need.
  • Central East Behaviour Support: Support and resources for older adults and their caregivers living with or at risk of developing responsive behaviours.
  • Menopause and U (from the Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Canada): The facts on menopause from Canada’s experts.
  • Menopause Foundation of Canada: Raise awareness of the impact of menopause on women and society.

Tests and procedures to detect cancer early, often before symptoms appear, aiming to improve treatment outcomes and survival rates. Regular screenings, based on age, gender, and risk factors, help identify cancers at an earlier, more treatable stage, ultimately contributing to better health outcomes.

Cancer Care Ontario: Cancer Care Ontario oversees four cancer screening programs in Ontario: breast, cervical, colorectal and lung.

Ontario Ministry of Health: Cancer prevention and care through Ontario’s health system.

Smoking and substance use significantly impact health, contributing to a range of chronic diseases and conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and respiratory issues. Addressing these habits through prevention, education, and support for quitting (cessation) can greatly enhance overall well-being and reduce the risk of serious health problems.

Encompasses physical, emotional, and social well-being related to sexuality. It involves safe practices, open communication, and access to education and healthcare, aiming to foster healthy relationships, prevent sexually transmitted infections, and ensure overall reproductive health.

Hello Ontario: HIV prevention, testing, support, and care.

Haldimand Family Health Team (HFHT) Sexual Health Clinic: Providing safe, non-judgmental care to all gender identities and sexual orientations.
Services available include sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections testing and treatment, emergency contraceptives, birth control pills, pregnancy testing, options counselling, pap exams and other assessments and treatments.

Sex&U (SOGC): Education on topics related to sexual and reproductive health.

Palliative care focuses on improving quality of life for people living with serious illness. It can benefit people of any age, in any setting and even while receiving treatment.

  • Ontario Health at Home: Provides home and community care within the community including palliative care specialists and home care supports.
  • Haldimand Norfolk Senior Support Services: Provides caregiver support, volunteer hospice program including advance care planning and health care consent, transportation, and home maintenance.
  • Advanced Care Planning Canada: Provides information and resources about Advance Care Planning to reflect your health and personal care wishes.
  • Chronic Disease Toolkit: Information describing different types of chronic diseases and strategies for management and prevention.
  • Haldimand County Community Paramedic Program (CPP): Haldimand Community Paramedics provide home visits and participate in a patient’s care in order to maintain independence and promote involvement in their communities, while living at home.
  • Oneday Dreams: Oneday Dreams serves Canadian adults living with a terminal illness by facilitating end-of-life dreams while focusing on life and living.
  • Hope for the Best, Plan for the Rest: 7 Keys for Navigating a Life-Changing Diagnosis (Book by Samantha Winemaker and Dr. Hsien Seow). Hope for the Best, Plan for the Rest provides information and strategies for navigating the healthcare system.
  • The Waiting Room Revolution: The podcast discusses simple, practical strategies to do right away and advocacy to be fully informed along the illness journey in order to transform the illness experience.