Patient Rights & Responsibilities
- You have the right to expect confidentiality. You have the responsibility to respect and maintain the confidentiality of others.
- You have the right to a respectful environment. You have the responsibility to be respectful of others. Refrain from loud conversation, photography or sound-activated games as this can be disturbing to others and an invasion of privacy.
- You have the right to an atmosphere free from remarks or actions that could be interpreted as discriminatory. You have the responsibility to refrain from making any remarks or gestures that could be interpreted as being discriminatory.
- You have the right to a safe, professional environment. You have the responsibility to refrain from physical or verbal aggression toward others. Inappropriate behavior or failure to maintain these standards will result in the cancellation of the current appointment.
- You have the right to an appointment for service that occurs in a prompt and timely manner. You have the responsibility to show up on time, or ensure you give enough notice if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment. On occasion, a patient’s time may be interrupted or delayed by an urgent situation requiring the health care practitioner’s attention. We commit to notifying clients, in advance, when possible, of any potential interruption to service.
- You have the right to receive service which supports you to successfully manage your own health and care and make informed decisions: person-centred care. You have the responsibility to play an active role in your care.
- You have the right to ask questions, seek clarification, or address any issues of concern about our service. You have the responsibility to speak directly with us, in a timely manner, in order to assist us to improve our service.
- You have the right to a healthy environment. You have the responsibility to respect and adhere to the clinic’s scent-free policy.
- You have the right to a clean and tidy environment. You have the responsibility to use garbage receptacles and maintain the order of the waiting area.
- You have the right to receive healthcare without discrimination including in our offices, waiting rooms, and washrooms. This includes discrimination race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, and disability. You have the responsibility to refrain from actions, words, and behaviours which could be interpreted as being discriminatory toward any individual at the HFHT.
Understanding client satisfaction or dissatisfaction with Haldimand Family Health Team service is important to us. It allows us to shape our quality improvements in care. Please feel free to express concerns and give compliments in person, or via any of the methods on our contact page.