Affiliated Physicians
There are approximately 15 primary care physicians across Haldimand that are affiliated (officially connected) and utilize the team-based services of the Haldimand Family Health Team (FHT). These physicians are grouped in teams called Family Health Organizations (FHO) that may practice together in the same location or in separate locations. The FHO physicians support each other within the FHO, providing coverage for each other during vacations and other times.

Collaborative Care and Support
The patients of the affiliated physicians have access to the team-based care provided by the Haldimand FHT for programming that focuses on health promotion, chronic disease prevention and providing people with education and support on a variety of health concerns. The Haldimand FHT staff work closely with the patient’s primary care physician, who remains the main source of contact for the patient. The Haldimand FHT services are designed to complement and support the care provided by your family physician. Patients should stay in regular contact with their physician while engaging with the Haldimand FHT.
34 Richard Willam Dr. #2B,
Caledonia, ON N3W 0G8
Dr. Chinwe Okechukwu
P: 289-860-0708, ext 2 | F: 289-860-0708
250 Argyle Street N,
Caledonia, ON N3W 1K9
Phone (P): 905-765-5245
Fax (F): 905-765-1090
- Dr. Alan Gunning
- Dr. Isreal Olaluwaye
- Dr. Ola Oyerinde
- Dr. Haibo Xu (located within the Argyle Medical Clinic)
P: 905-765-1686 F: 855-948-0986
55 Argyle Street N,
Caledonia, ON N3W 1B8
Dr. Nicolaas Cloete
P: 905-765-4061 | F: 905-765-0584
3773 6th Line, Ohsweken,
ON N0A 1M0
Dr. Sarah Takach
P: 905-765-2442 | F: 905-765-2872
334 Broad Street W,
Dunnville, ON N1A 1T2
- Dr. Ahmed Kamouna
P: 905-774-7541 | F: 905-774-4310 - Dr. Mohammad Ayoob
P: 905-774-7541 | F: 905-774-4310 - Dr. Natale Desrochers F: 855-950-1463
- Dr Omar Ezzat P: 289-738-9503 | F: 855-741-0540
400 Broad Street W, Suite 201,
Dunnville, ON N1A 2P7 - Dr. Saif Dhafer Kobah
P: 905-774-7503 | F: 905-774-6884
75 Parkview Road,
Hagersville, ON N0A 1H0
- Dr. Katherine Philips (Suite 2)
P: 289-683-0600 | F: 289-758-0728 - Dr. Abdulwali Rahimi (Suite 4)
P: 289-524-0053 | F: 289-283-3029 - Dr. Qasim Yar (Suite 3)
P: 905-768-0778 | F: 905-768-1990 - Dr. Mary Randazzo (Suite 1)
P: 905-768-1979 | F: 905-768-3801